改革开放后出生的人开始逐步成为社会的中坚力量。他们享受发展红利,生活品质不断提高,有的开始成家立业,为自己的理想生活而努力。People born after the economic reform and opening up began to gradually become the backbone of the society. They benefit from the developing society. The quality of their life continues to improve, and some start their own family and work hard to pursue their dream life. 2019年,清筑建筑受邀为一对新婚夫妻的婚房进行更新改造,房子位于北京后海附近的胡同里,是典型大杂院中的一个开间,建筑面积仅19平方米,基于现状条件,清筑建筑希望在进行设计改造的同时,能探索胡同里的年轻人如何去改善自己的生活环境。In 2019, QingZhu architecture was invited to renovate the small house of a newly married couple. The house is located in a hutong near Houhai, Beijing. It is a 19 square meters studio in a traditional courtyard house. Based on the current conditions, QingZhu architecture hopes to explore how young generation can improve their living environments in Hutong. 这是一次时间与空间的探索,新婚代表着家庭成员随着时间会不断增加,通过空间留白塑造未来可能性,在技术上,多点预留功能接口,以减少再改造。This is an exploration of time and space. New marriage means that family members will continue to increase over time. The possibility of future growth was shaped by left out space. In technical perspective, more functional interfaces are reserved to reduce future remodeling. 家庭新添成员将会对居住环境有较高的要求,在材料使用上,尽量减少现场油漆作业,利用清筑建筑积累的产业化研究经验,楼梯等需要喷涂的定制部件均在工厂生产。结合开窗及新风系统,保障室内通风及空气洁净。Higher living environment is required by the new members of the family. In the use of materials, the on-site paint work was minimized, and the industrialization research experience accumulated by the QingZhu will be used. Customized parts such as stairs that need to be sprayed are produced in the factory. Combined with window opening and fresh air system to ensure indoor ventilation and clean air. 传统营造强调材料的再利用,被拆除后的墙体材料保留并利用在新砌墙体上,改造房屋未跳出原有胡同风貌。Traditional construction emphasizes the reuse of materials. The demolished wall materials are retained and used on the new masonry wall, and the reconstructed house is still sharing the same architectural language within the Hutong. 为更好地展现实际居住状态,在这对新婚夫妻入住8个月后,清筑建筑对房屋进行了拍摄。In order to better show the actual living conditions of the house. The pictures was taken eight months after the newlyweds moved in.建筑面积:19㎡设计时间:2019.03-2019.05完成时间:2020.01Building land: 19㎡Design time: 2019.03-2019.05Construction time: 2020.01
清筑建筑已经在胡同中尝试实施过多种形式的“共生院”。“共生院”的实施从单一主体走向多方协作,是深入探索共生院实施模式的有益尝试。Qingzhu Architecture has already made an attempt to implement multiform “co-living Courtyard” in Hutong. The implementation of “co-living Courtyard” is a beneficial attempt to deeply explore implementation mode of Symbiotic Courtyard from single subject to multi-lateral collaboration. 为保证胡同的安静,希望引入高素质人才入住,并控制入住人数。In order to ensure Hutong’s quietness, it’s expected to introduce high-quality talents and control the number of dwellers. 大杂院若要达到和谐共生,需要院内居民一起商议院落使用,当院落公共区域由居民共同商议达成共识并进行“微更新”后也可有效控制私搭乱建的蔓延。If harmonious coexistence wants to be reached in the Compounds, the dwellers in the courtyard are needed to discuss its use together. After the dwellers reach a consensus on public area in the courtyard through mutual negotiation and “slight renewal” is carried out, the private and disorderly constructions can be effectively controlled. 大杂院改造过程中需要与邻里不断地进行协调沟通,以达到与胡同居民的共生。A constant coordination and communication is needed to be made with neighbors in the process of the transformation of the Compounds for the purpose of reaching symbiosis with Hutong residents. 清筑建筑在茶儿胡同尝试了多处“共生院”的改造,希望这些改造可以为片区居民带去参考,以期能提升片区的整体居住品质。Qingzhu Architecture has made an attempt to transform many “co-living Courtyard” in Cha’er Hutong, expecting that these transformations can provide the reference for the dwellers in this area so as to improve overall living quality.建筑面积:420㎡ 设计时间:2019.05-2019.07 完成时间:2019.08-2019.11Building land: 420m²Design time: 2019.05-2019.07Construction time: 2019.08-2019.11
超过15家企业针对一处破旧的院子进行装配智能化改造,参与人员在院子里站一起,可以叠上三层,只求装配式旧改在推广上切实可行。More than 15 enterprises collaborated in intellectualized assembly renovation on a shabby yard. Participants stood together in the yard a dense crowd, only to make assembly renovation promotion feasible. 研究装配式在旧改中的适用性,其目的是为改进现有旧改中的建造方式,减小旧城更新过程中的环保压力和各项成本,以期为存量规划的实施提供更多选择。The purpose of studying the applicability of assembly housing technology in building renovation is to improve the existing construction methods and to reduce the environmental pressure and various costs in the renewal of the old city so as to provide more choices for the implementation of the inventory planning. 胡同院落在旧改中具有突出的复杂性,我们在北京白塔寺区域选择了几个极具代表性的平房院落,采用装配式对其进行改造升级,收获非常好的效果。With Hutong courtyards’ outstanding complexity in renovating, we selected a few representatives of the courtyards of single-story houses in the area of Baitasi, Beijing, for assembly upgrading and renovating and achieved excellent results. 第一个装配式旧改院落位于小弓匠胡同,是一个具有一百多年历史的老旧小院,木结构已经腐烂,砖墙濒临倒塌,房屋管理所鉴定其为危房,这类型院落在北京的胡同中占有很大比例。The first assembly reformed courtyard is located in XiaoGongjiang alley, an old courtyard with over a hundred years of history, the wooden structure was decayed and the brick walls were on the brink of collapse. The Housing Management identified it as one of dangerous buildings, the type of which occupies a large proportion among Beijing alley-buildings. 从提出装配式旧改到小弓匠胡同改造完成,始终是以设计研发为主导,这样保证了研发成果的落地。From the proposal to the completion of the renovation project in XiaoGongjiang alley , everything was based on research and design, in order to make sure the result of the research could implement in practice. 组建建设团队由建筑师完成,共同将技术难点前置,在设计及加工环节解决,使得设计完成度得到有效保障。The construction team is set up by the architects. we preposed the technical difficulties in the design and processing aspects of the solution, ensured the designing and constructing completeness of the project. 优秀的设计团队及技术顾问,保证了房屋的舒适性及实用性。Excellent design team and technical consultants guaranteed the comfort and practicality of the house.小弓匠胡同的院落改造是京东在旧改中实践的第一个全屋智能化空间,建筑师力求智能化的实用性,京东为空间架设基础网络与新风系统,所需家用电器均可于网络平台购买。The XiaoGongjiang alley courtyard transformation is the first intelligent room in the house renovating by Jingdong, architects aimed at seeking intelligent practicality in the project. Jingdong offered basic space network and fresh air system, and the equipment is all available in the Jingdong’s Platform to purchase.建筑占地:89平米设计时间:2016.11—2017.03施工时间:2017.04—2017.10Building area: 89m²Design time: 2016.11—2017.03Construction time: 2017.04—2017.10
在北京胡同更新的过程中,鲜有就居民生活现状进行针对性设计的家具产品,对于胡同院落而言,一个完整空间的呈现,恰恰需要家具的置入。“共生—家具设计与区域文化作品展”正是建筑师改造胡同四合院时不断思考的结果。展览充分利用北京历史文化街区特有的胡同场地,邀请设计师与高校老师对家具设计融入区域文化进行思考,为其它领域的现代设计与区域文化共生提供探索思路。展览特别邀请清华大学、北京林业大学、北京工业大学及中央美术学院的老师作为展览支持团队,支持团队将参与展览全过程,以保证呈现高水平的展览质量,策划一个具有学术性、原创性以及前瞻性的集合展。展览共邀请五家知名设计师品牌,PIY、吱音、厌式房间、十八纸、凡物,他们将从不同角度阐述呈现展览主题。 In the process of the renewal of Beijing Hutong, there are few furniture products designed specifically for the current living conditions of the residents. For the Hutong courtyard, the presentation of a complete space just requires the placement of furniture. The “Symbiosis- Works Exhibition of Furniture Design and Regional Cultural ” is exactly the result of constant thinking of the architects when they renovate the Hutong Siheyuan.The exhibition will make full use of the unique Hutong venue in Beijing’s historical and cultural districts, invite designers and college teachers to think about the integration of furniture design into regional culture, and provide exploring ideas for the symbiosis between modern designs and regional cultures in other fields.The exhibition specially invites teachers from Tsinghua University, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing University of Technology and Central Academy of Fine Arts as a support team for the exhibition. The support team will participate in the whole process of the exhibition to ensure the presentation of an exhibition with high quality, and to plan an academic, original and forward-looking collection exhibition.The exhibition has invited five well-known designer brands, which are PIY, ZIINLIFE, IIINSITU Studio, SHIBAZHI, and FINEWOOD, and they will present the theme of the exhibition from different angles.展览网址:www.gongshengzhan.com
小茶叶胡同的最新改造在长效机制上的探索主要体现在四个方面:拆除违建,使院落合法合规;传统营造工艺的传承及新材料的合理利用;私产院修缮的市场化运营方式探索;产业化降低环保压力。In terms of the long-term mechanism, the latest renovation of Xiaochaye Hutong was represented in four aspects: demolishing the illegal constructions to legalize the courtyards; inheriting the traditional constructive technology and properly using the new materials; explorating market-oriented operation of the renovation of personal courtyards; and realizing industrialization to reduce pollution and harms to the environment. 在胡同院落的修缮过程中,私产院的违建拆除非常困难,同时,居民若想改善居住环境又需要投入大笔资金,居民难以承担。在分析优劣后,发现通过改造升级而提高的存量价值可以覆盖改造成本,于是,我们与居民进行磋商,在不改变原有房屋收益的情况下,将房屋交由我们进行改造,改造成本由市场运营主体承担,居民需同意拆除院内所有违建。小茶叶胡同改造院落正是采用此种方案,由政府组织拆违办拆除违建面积达一百多平方米,约占原院落建筑面积的四分之一。违建拆除有别于技术问题的解决,它更需要的是制度创新与管理智慧。During the process of renovation, we found that it was highly challenging to demolish the illegal Siheyuan constructions. Meanwhile, it would cost the residents a large amount of money if they intend to improve their living situations, which was beyond what they could afford. After analyzing the pros and cons of all proposals, we found that the update of the original constructions could help to increase their values, and thus reduce the cost of renovation. Therefore, we proposed to the residents that we would renovate their houses without changing their initial benefits. The cost of the renovation would be covered by the market operational party. The residents, however, needed to agree to demolish all the illegal constructions in the courtyards. The renovation of Xiaochaye Hutong was conducted basing such a plan exactly. The illegal constructions, which was demolished by the government, was more than a hundred square meters, taking up about a quarter of the original buildings. Unlike the technical problems, demolishment of illegal constructions requires the innovation of the system and the wisdom of the management. 主体建筑的修缮部分,坚持原工艺进行修缮,同时对薄弱节点进行改进创新,以使改造后的建筑可以满足舒适性的生活需求。古建专业与现代建筑专业间存在着“天然鸿沟”,我们不仅要建立传统营造工艺传承的长效机制,同时还需要将传统营造工艺科学化,让更多从事现代建筑设计研究的专业人士参与到传统营造工艺的传承与创新中来。The main part of the buildings was renovated by the traditional techniques. We also innovated and improved some disadvantageous parts, so that the renovated buildings would be comfortable to live in. Indeed, there was a considerable gap between the study of ancient buildings and modern constructions. We not only needed to build the long-term mechanism for the renovation of the traditional constructions but also should treat traditional technology in a scientific way. Only in this way, more professionals with the knowledge of modern constructions would be willing to engage in the inheritance and innovation of traditional technology. 在旧改的产业化上,我们坚持材料工厂生产,现场组装。面对北京的环保压力,工程的高质要求,旧改的产业化将会是一种不错的解决方案。In this industry of renovation, we insisted the materials be produced in the factory and assembled at the scene. Considering the high environmental pressure in Beijing and strict requirement for the project, we believe that the industrialization of renovation would be an excellent solution to the current problems. 在城市更新升级过程中,建筑师不仅需要负责技术部分的组织协调,在项目运营过程中也应该是运营团队的核心成员。In the update of the city, the architect should not only be responsible for the coordination of technical issues but also remain a core member of the operational team. 建筑面积:330m²设计时间:2018.04—2018.05施工时间:2018.05—2018.12Building area: 330m²Design time: 2018.04—2018.05Construction time: 2018.04—2018.12
研究装配式在旧改中的适用性,其目的是为改进现有旧改中的建造方式,减小旧城更新过程中的环保压力和各项成本,以期为存量规划的实施提供更多选择。The purpose of studying the applicability of assembly housing technology in building renovation is to improve the existing construction methods and to reduce the environmental pressure and various costs in the renewal of the old city so as to provide more choices for the implementation of the inventory planning.从提出装配式旧改到小茶叶胡同16号改造完成,始终是以设计研发为主导,这样保证了研发成果的落地。From the proposal to the completion of the renovation project in 16# xiaochaye hutong , everything was based on research and design, in order to make sure the result of the research could implement in practice. 组建建设团队由建筑师完成,共同将技术难点前置,在设计及加工环节解决,使得设计完成度得到有效保障。优秀的设计团队及技术顾问,保证了房屋的舒适性及实用性。The construction team is set up by the architects. we preposed the technical difficulties in the design and processing aspects of the solution, ensured the designing and constructing completeness of the project.Excellent design team and technical consultants guaranteed the comfort and practicality of the house. 在施工过程中,结合胡同的限制条件,已总结出一套“餐包式”的装配方式,从而使得散落平房也可以采用产业化的思路进行改造升级。We have come to achieve a package type in process of construction, it adapts to hutong restrictions, in which all scattered one-story houses can be upgraded by the methods in the idea of industrialization. 经过小茶叶胡同16号的院落改造,我们坚定地认为,装配式进行旧房改造已具备一条完整的产业链条。希望通过我们的努力可以唤起更多企业参与到旧房改造产业化的实践中来After 16# xiaochaye hutong project, we strongly believe that the old houses renovation with assembly technology has already become a complete industrial chain. we are looking forward more companies participating in the transformation of old housing industry practice by our efforts. 随着环保压力越来越大,市场对装配的诉求越来越高,特别是大型城市建材市场的不断外迁与人力成本的上升,材料与施工成本逐年增高,实现个性化与环保将会要付出更大的代价,而采用工厂生产、现场安装的装配式施工,其造价不但可以得到控制,在材料和施工上更加环保,工艺也更可控。With increasing pressure in environmental protection, market is demanding for higher standards. In metropolises, constant relocation of large construction materials market occurs; labor expenses is rising; materials and construction costs are having the tremendous growth year by year. As a result, in renovation industry, personalized and environmental-friendly practice will cost more. Thus, prefabricated construction is relatively more controllable in cost, the effect on the environment, as well as the craft technology. 小茶叶胡同16号的改造具有多重意义,旧改项目中采用装配式,实际是定制的装配式,如此,为存量规划的落地提供了一种途径,也为旧城改造升级提供了全新思路。The 16# xiaochaye hutong is a significant and representative project in housing industry. To apply prefabrication technology in renovation, that is, using customized assembly materials provided a new way in both implementations of the city planning and the renovation and upgrading of old cities.建筑占地:128.9平米设计时间:2016.11—2017.03施工时间:2017.04—2017.12Building land: 128.9 m²Design time: 2016.11—2017.03Construction time: 2017.04—2017.12
小平房仅有约15平米的面积,而这也是胡同中很多家庭所拥有的房屋面积,具有很强的代表性,我们在此小空间内解决了居住所需的常用功能,且坚持着实用与舒适原则,所有功能均按常规尺寸设计,尽可能减少二次体验功能。The subject measured only 15 m2, which happened to be the same size as the houses owned by most families in this neighborhood. Therefore, it was reasonable to be regarded as representative project of this area. Under the principal of functional and comfortable designing, we managed to arrange the floor plan and set all the furniture in regular sizes, in order to minimize extra effort in living with foldaway furniture for the occupants in the limited space, which meet the occupants’ living requirements of daily life.空间设计结合实际将其分为两种三段式,一种是立面切割,顶面为设备层,中间为生活功能,底部为架空管线层;另一种是平面切割,东面布置了日常所需的全部功能,西面为整体储物,中间是释放出的多功能区域。合理的设计使得空间形成了“一室一厅一厨一卫”的布局。The space is designed into two types of tripartite compositions. One is vertical division: the top floor made for mechanical, the middle layer to daily use, bottoms as the open floor of pipelines. The other is horizontal division: the east part meets the whole daily requests, while the west space is used as integrative storage, with extra multi-functional released area in the middle. Rational designing leads to the proper layout of "one room, one hall and one hutch”.室内施工全部采用装配式,设计图纸交底后施工单位仅用了12天便完成从下料到现场安装的全部过程,全程无湿作业,部品部件标准化、模块化使得施工完成度得到有效控制,减少了工人技艺的干预因素。The materials of indoor construction were all prefabricated.The whole indoor constructing process took the construction company only 12 days to finish after acquiring the design drawings. There was no wet work on site, standardization and modularization was proven favorable in handling to fulfill the schedule, it was also effective in decreasing any intervention factors of workers’ skill.在施工过程中,结合胡同的限制条件,已总结出一套“餐包式”的装配方式,从而使得散落平房也可以采用产业化的思路进行改造升级。We have come to achieve a package type in process of construction, it adapts to hutong restrictions, in which all scattered one-story houses can be upgraded by the methods in the idea of industrialization. 随着环保压力越来越大,市场对装配的诉求越来越高,特别是大型城市建材市场的不断外迁与人力成本的上升,材料与施工成本逐年增高,实现个性化与环保将会要付出更大的代价,而采用工厂生产、现场安装的装配式施工,其造价不但可以得到控制,在材料和施工上更加环保,工艺也更可控。With increasing pressure in environmental protection, market is demanding for higher standards. In metropolises, constant relocation of large construction materials market occurs; labor expenses is rising; materials and construction costs are having the tremendous growth year by year. As a result, in renovation industry, personalized and environmental-friendly practice will cost more. Thus, prefabricated construction is relatively more controllable in cost, the effect on the environment, as well as the craft technology. “装配小平房”的改造具有多重意义,旧改项目中采用装配式,实际是定制的装配式,如此,为存量规划的落地提供了一种途径,也为旧城改造升级提供了全新思路。The “Assembly House” is a significant and representative project in housing industry. To apply prefabrication technology in renovation, that is, using customized assembly materials provided a new way in both implementations of the city planning and the renovation and upgrading of old cities.项目面积:15㎡ 设计时间:2017.07-08 完成时间:2017.09 Project area:15㎡ Design time:2017.07-08 Completion time:2017.09
这是一个新闻记者的家,两夫妻养育了两个天真可爱的女儿,她们需要在房子附近入学,加上长期居住的两位老人,在50㎡的房子里需要解决六口之家的居住空间。This is the home of a journalist. The two couples raised two innocent and lovely daughters, who need to be enrolled in the vicinity of the house. Together with the two elder people who have lived for a long time, they need to solve the problem of six people’s living space in a 50 m2 house. 在胡同里,清筑建筑积累了丰富的通过技术解决实际问题的经验,从而项目的重点落在空间设计上,利用坡屋顶设计了两层卧室,因为房屋主体为传统工艺的四合院建筑,房梁阻隔了二层空间的统一利用,故在一层东西两侧设置楼梯分别到达两个卧室,卧室间设计小门方便大人照顾小孩,为增加房屋趣味性,特地在二层外挑一个可供小孩阅读嬉戏的区域,同时也丰富了整体空间。Qingzhu Architecture has accumulated rich experience in solving practical problems with technology in the Hutong design. Therefore, the focus of this project became the space design. A two-story bedroom is designed taking advantage of the sloping roof. Since the main body of the building is a traditional quadrangle courtyard with the beam blocking the unified use of the second floor space, two stairs were designed at the east and west side of the first floor leading to the two bedrooms respectively. A small door was designed between the two bedrooms, which is convenient for the adults to take care of the children. To increase the fun of the house, they specially leave a space for the children to read and play outside the second floor, which also enriches the overall space.项目面积:50㎡ 设计时间:2018.07-09 完成时间:2019.05Project area:50㎡ Design time:2018.07-09 Completion time:2019.05
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